6 Facts About Selling Your House That An Estate Agent Will Not Tell You

6 Facts About Selling Your House in Durham That An Agent Will Not Tell You

Are you considering listing your home? Do you understand what listing your home entails? Have you thought about alternatives? Before you dive into the traditional means of selling your home, consider all the details, so you wouldn’t regret your decision in the future.


Lazy weekends and dinner time are prime time for family fun – and open houses tours! When listing your property, it is the estate agent’s job to get as many strangers as possible to view your house. This entails keeping you house spick and span at all times. No one enjoys strangers walking through their private space and seeing their belongings. As you can see, this really puts a damper on quality time with your family. This is one detail about selling your house that an agent will not tell you. 

Closing Delays

It’s important to note that closing could take up to 90 days or longer through conventional financing using the traditional estate agent method of selling. Remember, there is a process consisting of inspections, appraisals, and other aspects which have to be cleared before closing. In some cases, these aspects can be delayed. This is another fact about selling your house in Durham that an agent will not tell you.

Days on the Market

Are we there yet? Remember, your estate agent can only give you an average period in which your house could be sold. This is based on past statistics regarding the area and type of building and not on your specific house. This can put a spoke in the wheel when it comes to planning, especially if you are forced to move before the sale is completed and find yourself maintaining two properties. This is another piece of information about selling your house that an agent will not tell you.


There is no guarantee that your sale will go if a contingency isn’t met. Contingencies are provisions in the contract that must occur before the sales contract is fulfilled. These are common when listing your property using the traditional estate agent method. If your house doesn’t pass an inspection the buyer or their lender could either renegotiate or walk away. This is yet another piece of critical information about selling your house that an agent will not tell you.


How sure are you that your house is A-okay? Inspections are a necessary part of the process in traditional listings. If an inspection finds issues that need to be addressed, this can lead to thousands of pounds in repairs. Repairing these faults are your responsibility. Failure to complete the repairs, despite any lack of funds you maybe facing, will render the contract null and void. This is important information about selling your house that an agent will not tell you.

Slice of the Pie

Commissions, fees, marketing, staging, storing belongings to decrease clutter, and closing costs are all part and parcel of listing your house using an estate agent. This includes possible aesthetic changes such as updating and renovating that could lead to thousands of pounds. You would also be responsible to pay for marketing, hiring a digital photographer, a drone pilot, payments for staging, etc. A lot of these expenses are required to aid in a faster sale with a higher purchase price. Eventually, these expenses cause a huge dent in your profit margin. Carefully consider these facts that take away from your bottom line, when selling your house that an agent will not tell you.

Intrusive, expensive, time-consuming, and offering no guarantees are facts about selling your house that an agent agent will not tell you. Property Result saves you money, time, and provides you with a guaranteed and very quick closing date. These are just a few of the reasons why a direct sale to Property Result may be better for you. Send us a message or call 0191 369 2069 today to find out more!

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